Friday, July 16, 2010

Polls: Wide Support for an Attack on Iran

Yonat Friling – Fox July 16, 2010

A poll by TIPP, the polling unit of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, a U.S. research firm of both syndicated and custom Market Research solutions, offers a surprising angle on an Israeli attack on Iran:

56% of American would back an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. According to the poll, 43 percent of U.S. Democrats approve of Israel taking military action against Iran to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, while 40 percent disapprove. However, when Republicans were asked the same question, 74 percent voiced approval while 17 percent disapproved.

In another poll, conducted by Pew Research Center, dated June 17, 2010 found that strong majorities of the people in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt view Iran negatively, lack confidence in Ahmadinejad and oppose Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. A majority of those in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon opposing a nuclear-armed Iran actually favor the use of military force if necessary to stop them. The popular backlash resulting from an Israeli strike may not be as much of a threat as is assumed. In Egypt, 55% supported a military strike on Iran, while 16% opposed it. In Jordan, the figures were 53% to 20% in favor.

As for Europe, More than eight-in-ten in Germany (86%) and France (81%) view Iran unfavorably, as do 73% in Spain; a somewhat smaller majority in Britain (58%) shares this opinion.

In a TV interview for the Israeli Channel 2 News last week, said President Obama when asked if about the possibility of Israel’s attack on Iran’s Nuclear facilities "neither of us tries to surprise each other,".

Comment – July 16, 2010

Across the planet Americans are increasingly seen as ignorant or at best, naive. But this writer cannot believe that the majority of them are stupid enough to support an Israeli strike on Iran. Do they know where this will lead?

An Israeli strike on Iran would naturally invite retaliation, probably in tandem with Syria and Hezbollah.

This would lead to U.S. intervention, which in turn would lead to Chinese and maybe even Russia involvement. In other words an Israeli strike on Iran could potentially lead to a world war.

Does the average American understand this? Or are they so brainwashed by their corporate media that they cannot think for themselves anymore?

Or maybe there is another reason for these poll findings?

Like most U.S. elections now, I suspect that the above polls were rigged: the questions were posed and the answers framed in such a way as to fit preordained results.

The giveaway comes with findings that claim to reveal: “strong majorities of the people in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt view Iran negatively”.

The majority of Americans, ignorant of the world around them might accept such claims but I doubt that many Turks or Lebanese would.

However, the above goes even further with claims that: “A majority of those in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon opposing a nuclear-armed Iran actually favor the use of military force if necessary”.

If anything these supposed “opinion polls” look more like attempts to convince us that there is widespread support for a strike on Iran; and that the consequences will not be as bad as we might fear.

Or as the above claims: “The popular backlash resulting from an Israeli strike may not be as much of a threat as is assumed”.

So it seems that U.S. presidential elections are not be the only polls being rigged nowadays.


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