Friday, July 1, 2011

Donate And Receive Free Artwork From Brandon Dean

A good friend to all of us seeking the truth, and one hell of an all around artist, is in a bit of a bind at the moment and could use our help. You can contact Brandon at if interested. Here's Brandon himself to tell you all about it...

hey all -

times have been more than rough for me the past six months.  like everyone, I've really felt the economic crunch.  my financial situation is dire at the moment, so I'm offering free prints of the following lithograph I drew a while back to anyone who donates 20 dollars or more to the brandon desperation fund...  Applause

this lithograph is a little bent up on the corners from being put on different walls, but the others are straight with a glossy finish.

for donations of 50 dollars or more, I'll throw in two more prints of different pieces.  examples are below.

for donations of 100 dollars or more, I will draw you whatever the hell you wish.

here are examples of my other illustrations:

chinese infantry soldier from the Qin dynasty

stevie nicks

the beatles

red, white and fooled

huggies clown

hit me up at if you're interested...

Brandon is also the author of:
Fractures in the “Truth” Movement
Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part II
Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part III
The Conclusion Jumpers Meet the Truth Controllers