Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part II
The Case For Anti-Zionism
Brandon Dean
August 20th, 2009
August 20th, 2009
“Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the GOYIM, will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to influence the minds of the GOYIM, directing them towards such understanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by us.” —Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Why Write an Addendum?
“Too bad Alex Jones can’t be more of a gentleman rather than the weird, rather repulsive character that he projects. How can anyone follow this guy? But more importantly, his opinions are meaningless if he doesn’t criticize the Zionists and Israel and analyze the Holocaust.” —James deJuste II, commenter on’s post of “Fractures in the Truth Movement” part 1
In Part 1 of Fractures in the Truth Movement, I attempted to stick to the facts as much as possible regarding the leaders of this so-called “truth movement.” Of course, when writing in general–but especially about controversial issues–it’s quite impossible for an author to completely negate his personal perspective. And while I’m on the subject of personal perspectives, I will present mine regarding this war and its “leaders”:
I feel the true leaders of the Generational Freedom Movement are you and I–anyone willing to stick their necks on the chopping block and spread their blossoming perspective of the truth. If truth is your actual goal, and not the notoriety of being known for spreading the truth, then I fight by your side. If our perspectives differ on trifling matters (there is absolutely zero chance of my perspective ever being exactly the same as another person’s perspective), such as which personalities are genuine, and which personalities are frauds; well then, by retaining our individual perspectives, I do believe we can work past that. I also believe there is a huge advantage to different people having differing perspectives on the attempted world takeover.
Leaders in a War for Truth are actually a redundant by-product of the exact brainwashing we are trying to avoid by fighting this war. Leaders seem to be necessary to influence change in the mass of humanity, but I believe in order to truly join the Generational Freedom Movement, one must be a leader of their own in some form or fashion.
We are not all leaders, however. Some need–even crave–to be told what to do, and that is the nature of humanity. But many seem to have other agendas than merely the truth. Whether it’s out of ego, ignorance, or conscious manipulation, they enable the authentic and inauthentic leaders with hero worship..
My appraisal of Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero, and the rest should be absorbed through the filter of your own individual perspective, just like everything else you absorb through this miraculous tool we call the internet. I am not attempting to tell you the truth so much as attempting to present my perspective of the truth to you in a fashion which will spark debate and spread valuable information. Judging by the response to part 1, I seem to have accomplished this. There was much intelligent debate regarding part 1, though not everyone agreed with my analysis of the events.
The most popular thread in the forums is entitled “Escape From Prison Planet.“ In the original post, member “Hetware” bemoans the fact that he feels it necessary to publicly expose the corruption on the forums by stating:
“I don’t like to spend my time playing Spanky’s Clubhouse.”
I concur…
In other words, I’m not here fighting this war because I like to gossip. I’ve spent the last three and a half years writing about various topics, and part 1 of this little series represents the first time I’ve focused on the fraud Alex Jones.
The forums sprang up–coincidentally, of course–right around the time the forums were deleted. The forums were un-moderated, as I described in part 1, but the new forums were to be strictly moderated, by what seemed to be the internet version of Stalinist gulag commandants. To this day, the moderators of randomly and quite regularly ban users for little or no cause, change the titles of members’ posts to make them look stupid or hateful, move posts to “dunce” boards meant to marginalize certain perspectives, or just berate those with opposing perspectives publicly. Yet again, it could just be a combination of all of the above. If you wish to see more than ample proof of these accusations, browse through the “Escape From Prison Planet” link above. There are currently 45 pages in that thread concerning the topic.
So back to and its forums… Why the control of information on a site which espouses to be for truth and open-minded debate? I’ll leave that for you to decide, but a hint in the right direction is paying attention to the subjects they marginalize–e.g. zionism and the supposed holocaust of World War II, among others…
Part 1 of “Fractures in the Truth Movement” garnered a huge response. I received many emails, and many comments on various websites where it was re-posted or linked to. Most were either completely positive, or at least positive with a little advice or even chastisement thrown in. There were a fair share of negative comments, but they were in the vast minority. I daresay if I had written a similar article two years ago, the comments would have been far more in Jones’ favor.
Some commentators on part 1 felt I wasn’t critical enough of the Jews themselves:
“You point out Zionism as the main problem, which is false. In the same way Jones puts the blame on the mysterious “Illuminati”, you are putting the blame on Zionism and at the same time you are making the “true” Jews look innocent, which is another level of deception.”—commenter “Sufyan” on
My response would be this: it is not my opinion that there is a difference between a zionist and an ordinary Jew–it is a fact. There is little difference between the elite Jews of a thousand years ago–who caused the oppression of the average Jew for centuries–and what they eventually came to be known as: zionists. I will say that. But I happen to personally know many people who were brought up in Jewish households, and I’m here to tell you their households were every bit as moral and charitable as the average Christian household I’ve encountered in my life. So blame everything on the average Jew if you wish-it’s your right. I was raised in a Christian household with no Judaism beyond the mention of my great-great-grandmother (who was brought up in a secular Jewish home) and the Old Testament, of course. The difference between Christianity and Judaism is not in the “race” or even the religion, but in the culture.
Like I mentioned in part 1, I’ve been in this war for almost twenty years, and I still do not think I know everything, or even close to everything. I call it like I see it, and that’s all any one writer with one perspective can claim without looking ridiculous…
One more thing I would like to clarify about part 1…
I had quite a few responses asking why I didn’t include various other leaders. I left out most names because they weren’t relevant to the topic, though I included a couple unrelated names (such as Hufshmid and Ruppert) as examples of other leaders who are obvious frauds. My focus was not to list the people I believe authentic and do not believe authentic, but to catalog the fracture which has occurred between anti-zionists and those who equate anti-zionism with “anti-semitism.” There are other factions in this war, most of which I am at least somewhat familiar with, but those were not the topic at hand. Granted, there are events I did not report on which are pertinent to the topic at hand, but one article cannot include everything.
I also tried to maintain a focus on the emerging leaders in the US, for the purpose of not spreading the focus too thin. This is why I did not mention people like David Icke, who also does a part in exposing zionism, though like Jeff Rense, he is accused of propagating “new age” or fanciful theories…
Looking Deeper Into Zionism
“It was fated that England should be the first in a series of Revolutions, which is not yet finished.” –Benjamin Disraeli
16th June, 1647
From O.C. [Oliver Cromwell] , by Ebenezer PrattIn return for financial support, we will advocate the admission of Jews to England: this however impossible while Charles living.Charles cannot be executed without a trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with the arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in escape.[reply] To O.C., by Ebenezer Pratt 12th July, 1647Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: his recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.”
Europe Versus The Talmud
The Jewish Talmud, which purports to be Jewish oral law, has been published in many different forms over the twenty centuries since its creation. In the Christian world of Europe–from the 5th century onward–the followers of the Talmud set themselves at war with society and culture. This war was not limited to Europe by any means. Yet between the fall of Rome and the foundation of these united States, nowhere else in the world was the Talmud more influential and pervasive than in Europe.
The Talmud is basically a collection of the teachings of the “prophets,” “teachers” and “scribes” of Judaism. As many notable scholars, writers, and historians have exposed, the Talmud takes a rather vicious and derisive view of Jesus Christ and his followers, and of non-Jews in general.
Excerpts from the Talmud:
“She [Mary, mother of Christ] who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” -Sanhedrin 106a“Every goy [non-Jew] who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die.” -Sanhedryn, 59a, aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13“The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts…” -Saba Mecia 114, 6
Contrary to popular opinion, however, not all Jews are followers of the Talmud. For instance, Ethiopian Jews are ostracized for not following the Talmud. Here in the US, most of those included in the classification “Jewish” are Jewish in name and culture only, and not in religion. I know many of these Jews, who grew up in culturally Jewish households (they celebrated Jewish Holidays and had their coming of age parties, etc.), but rarely attended the synagogue, if ever. These Jews know little or nothing of the Talmud, yet they are just as immersed in the results of Talmudic law as any other Jew or non-Jew.+
The English Crown’s Answer to Jewish Usury
“Forasmuch as the King hath seen that divers evils and the disinheriting of good men of his land have happened by the usuries which the Jews have made in time past, and that divers sins have followed thereupon albeit that he and his ancestors have received much benefit from the Jewish people in all times past, nevertheless, for the honour of God and the common benefit of the people the King hath ordained and established, that from henceforth no Jew shall lend anything at usury either upon land, or upon rent or upon other thing.” –the English Statutes of the Jewry, 1275
Jews enjoyed a special status in England beginning with the coming of William the Conqueror, who created the feudal system of serfs, whom answered to lords, whom answered to the king. Jews and merchants bypassed the lords, and answered directly to the king, thereby having a direct voice with the king, and needing no intermediary.Canon (papal) law was only required of Catholics, not Jews. Therefore, the practice of usury (loaning money at interest), which was outlawed by the Catholic church, was not forbidden to Jews, whose laws stated they could lend money at interest, but only when dealing with gentiles, or non-Jews.
From 1066 until the late 12th century, this status was enjoyed. For the next hundred years, Jews slowly became more and more restricted in their movements and dealings. In 1275, King Edward I outlawed usury by Jews in the “Statutes of the Jewry.” In 1287, Jews were officially and completely expelled from England.Why were they expelled? There were only an estimated 3,000 Jews in England at the time. The English certainly could not have considered them much of a physical threat. So what was it? Mindless hatred? Were they used as scapegoats? Was it just jealousy of the fact that they were allowed to lend money? Or was it what they did with the money they accrued?From the moment they entered the country clutching William the Conqueror’s kingly robes, these elite merchant Jews had the royalty and money class in their debt. They constantly pressed for the official currency of England to be gold coins, and their economic influence almost made this a reality. They practiced an early form of fractional reserve banking. They would hold someone’s gold in their banks, and knowing that rarely would anyone come back and demand all their gold at once, they would lend out more gold than they had in reserves, all of course at interest.
This became known, and King Henry I of England instituted the tally stick–a fiat form of currency–in an attempt to oust the money lenders from their control of the economy. The tally stick was the most successful currency in history, lasting from 1100 to 1854, when the zionist-controlled Bank of England outlawed it in favor of the debt-based pound.Martin Luther, Founder of Protestantism
“[Jews] have failed to learn any lesson from the terrible distress that has been theirs for over fourteen hundred years in exile.” –Martin Luther
Martin Luther founded the Protestant faith as a result of what he felt to be the Jewish-controlled Catholic Church. He fought a life-long and unwanted battle against the Talmudists. Speaking of the “prophets” of Judea , Luther wrote:
“They are real liars and bloodhounds who have not only continually perverted and falsified all of Scripture with their mendacious glosses from the beginning until the present day. Their heart’s most ardent sighing and yearning and hoping is set on the day on which they can deal with us Gentiles as they did with the Gentiles in Persia at the time of Esther. Oh, how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope. The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people than they are who imagine that they are God’s people who have been commissioned and commanded to murder and to slay the Gentiles. In fact, the most important thing that they expect of their Messiah is that he will murder and kill the entire world with their sword. They treated us Christians in this manner at the very beginning through out all the world. They would still like to do this if they had the power, and often enough have made the attempt, for which they have got their snouts boxed lustily.”
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is one of the most controversial subjects of modern times. The Protocols lay out the past, present and future plans of the “elders” of zionism. The source of the Protocols was a Russian envoy to France in 1884, who paid an indebted Parisian Zionist 2500 francs for a document which he claimed was of importance to Russia. The czar never received the warning.However, in 1897, the first edition of the Protocols was published in Russia, and within a few years ended up in many places around the world.
Some claim the Protocols are “anti-semitic” forgeries. All I have to say is this: if the Protocols are forgeries, then they are the most elaborately worthless and hateful “forgeries” ever to have existed in the history of mankind. They would also have to be considered the most prophetic forgery in history, being that EVERYTHING the Protocols predicted has come true in one form or another–including two world wars, the Russian revolution, and the creation of the state of Israel amongst myriad other examples.The protocols are not forgeries. The world (Zionist) media first denied even the existence of the Protocols, but after twenty years of that not working, they switched to the old canard: anti-semitism. They have stuck with this “anti-semitic forgery” crap ever since. A Google search for the Protocols will return many pages of articles and editorials about how they are forgeries before you can find relevant analysis of the document.
But read the Protocols for yourself. Read them in full. That is all the proof needed. Decide for yourself whether they are authentic or not.
Theodor Herzl: “Father” of the Zionist Movement

Theodor (Binyamin Ze’ev) Herzl was a Jew who hated Judaism and the astigmatisms attached to it in 19th century Europe. He rejected traditional Judaism for a secularized Judaism he called “Zionism”–Zion being the “traditional” land of Israel, which the zionists believed was only attainable through human hands, as opposed to the intervening hand of God, which their Torah states. Herzl hoped to avoid the stigma of Judaism by emulating European aristocracy, and changing his name to sound less Jewish. He was the founder of the modern day zionist movement, and is lauded as a hero in modern day Israel.
Zionism is a secularized result of the outcome of Talmudic law, placing man above God as the creators of their own universe. Talmudic law promotes the most horrendous of outdated egocentricity, and the most pugnacious of vitriol. Zionism attempts to turn this insanity into reason.
The Russian Revolution

Archibald Ramsay was a member of the British parliament and a veteran, who was severely wounded in World War I. He was a member of prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s staff. He was arrested at the outbreak of World War II under “Regulation 18b” and detained for the duration of the war.
Regulation 18b basically gave the British government the right to detain anyone they felt threatened political stability during wartime. Churchill’s government felt Ramsay was a threat, because he was a member of a British anti-zionist organization, and he spent most of the 1930’s trying to warn the British government about the influence of “international Jewry.”
He was released from prison in 1944. He wrote a book entitled The Nameless War, which everyone who is serious about understanding zionist influence in the world during the 20th century should read.
Click the following link to download or view a .pdf copy of Archibald Maule Ramsay’s The Nameless War.
6 Million Dead and the Missing Gas Chambers of World War II
“‘How great were those losses?’ inquired Jackson [Robert Jackson-chief US prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials of ex-Nazis, and later a Supreme Court justice], seeking a figure to use at the coming trial.‘Six million,’ responded Dr. [Jacob] Robinson, and indicated that the figure included Jews in all Nazi-occupied lands ‘from the [English] Channel to Stalingrad.’Jackson noted that day:‘I was particularly interested in the source and reliability of his estimate, as I know no authentic data on it.‘”
—David Irving, from Nuremberg

Robert Jackson–chief US prosecutor at Nuremberg
“In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand.“
—Martin Glynn, writing in The American Hebrew, October 31, 1919 (20 years before World War II started) (scan of orignal headline)
In September of 1992, David Cole (a Jew) took a video camera to Auschwitz “Concentration” camp in Poland. He wanted to find out if the gas chambers really existed. He hired a personal tour guide. When viewing the supposed gas chamber, Cole relentlessly questioned the guide on various aspects of the supposedly lethal chamber. He specifically asked the tour guide if the gas chamber had been there when the Soviets liberated the camp. The guide replied many times that it most certainly was there at the time of liberation.
Cole was not satisfied with the guide’s answer, so he asked to speak to the head of all the tour guides, whom the flustered tour guide was glad to hand him over to. This person responded in like fashion: the gas chambers were there when the camp was liberated.
So Cole asked to speak to Franz Piper, head of the Auschwitz Museum and one of the most eminent–mainstream–”holocaust scholars”in the world. Piper granted Cole a videotaped interview, in which Piper admits the gas chambers were built by the Soviets after the camp was liberated!
There is simply endless research in existence, which has long ago proven the gas chambers were a hoax. Conduct some open-minded research, and you’ll find the entire history of World War II (and World War I) to be just as skewed as the story of 9/11.
There are 14 countries in the world where you will go to prison if you publicly question the story of the holocaust of Jews during World War II. This makes searching for the truth a thought crime.
Do you know of any other historic event which is illegal to even question? There are people in prison right now in these countries for questioning this fraud. The only possible explanation is that those who speak the truth need to be silenced, just like they silenced Archibald Ramsay during World War II.
Zionism Today
So, if the purpose of zionism is to “secure a home for Jewish people,” then why does zionism still exist after over sixty years of Israel’s bloody existence? Why does the vice president of the US openly claim to be a zionist, even though he is not Jewish?
Vice President Joe Biden: “I am a zionist–you don’t have to be a Jew to be a zionist.“
Why did Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel serve in the Israeli army, and why does he hold “dual citizenship” with the US and Israel?
Why did former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney claim that 99 percent of the congress is in the pay of the American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC)? Why did the Israeli navy kidnap her and more than a dozen others in international waters for trying to bring cement and crayons to the beleaguered Palestinians of Gaza?
Why does it seem that the US is the one country left on Earth which still fully and unconditionally supports Israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people? And why is the US military in the Middle East fighting or facing off with the only countries who are not under Israel’s sway?
These are questions you’ll have to answer for yourself, but we all know the most simple and obvious answer is usually the correct answer.
And these questions do point to an obvious answer, which a dwindling number of “truthers” can’t seem to wrap their heads around: there is an element in this country which–through the controlled media–has made the average American feel too afraid, or too guilty, to criticize Jews. Zionists have ridden the coattails of this “politically correct” guilt (which they bred and nurtured), and taken the average Jew for just as much of a ride as the average non-Jew.
Jews have taken the rap for what their elite have done, just as white people have taken the rap for the injustices their elite have caused the world. The Generational Freedom Movement has always been a class war–not the rich versus the poor, but the elite versus humanity. Never has it been a race war. It is an insane and neverending grasp at power.
The elite among the Jews have a name, and they call themselves zionists. They are not elusive–they are out in the open about it, even proud of it. I have yet to see a prominent member of the generic “new world order” come right out and say “I am in the new world order. you don’t have to be a Freemason to be in the new world order.”
Like Joe Biden says, for someone to be a zionist, they need not be Jewish. It never was about race or religion. It was always about control and personal gain. One must simply be willing to ride the beast. And in order to ride the beast, one must play by the beast’s rules. Those most adept at sacrificing personal morals and goals for worldly pleasures are those most welcome on the beast’s back. Those who have been riding the beast longest are those who have the most sway over the beast, but sway is all it remains. They do NOT control the beast, nor this world. They are simply masters of influence and manipulation. They create nothing, but twist everything. They need not be zionists, yet zionists exert more influence in the US and Europe than any other faction which straddles the beast.
Zionists do not control the US or the world. They INFLUENCE and MANIPULATE the US and the world. They use propaganda with the intensity and focus of diamond cutters, and they have a code of ethics and morals as cold-blooded and sadistic as famine itself.
But we will defeat them. Those who seek the truth must stand on that truth and defend it at any cost. The only thing standing in front of you and the truth is your willingness to recognize it. Exploring the truth is a never-ending process, and it spreads in waves like water. Those waves also return to you with new information. Never accept that you have it figured out. This world is a violent and dangerous place–vigilance is not paranoia…
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