Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth

by Jonathan Azaziah

Not since Zionist warmonger Barack Obama’s ‘ascension’ to the US presidency, has there been such a hysteria in the anti-war/anti-Zionist community as there is with Julian Assange and his organization, Wikileaks. Just like Obama, whose smooth-talker persona duped millions of awakened individuals, lulling them into a false sense of security with lies and trickery, Wikileaks has pulled the wool over the eyes of average people and distinguished activists and writers alike with its ‘whistleblower’ image. Even after Obama’s Zionist roots were exposed, in which powerful pro-Israel figures like Abner Mikva, Joel Sprayregen, Newton Minow, Bettylu Saltzman of the dynastic Saltzman family, Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, Lester Crown of the vastly wealthy Crown household and Penny Pritzker of the Pritzker dynasty nurtured his rise to political stardom in Chicago (1), the current puppet of the Zionist entity was no less supported and no less loved by his starry-eyed followers.

After Obama was designated the democratic ‘candidate’ for president, he delivered a speech at AIPAC and announced to his masters that the United States has an ‘unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security (2).’ Still, the opinions of his followers remained unchanged. And not even after Obama maintained utter silence during Operation Cast Lead (3), in which the usurping Tel Aviv regime murdered 1,440 innocent Palestinians in illegally besieged and occupied Gaza, including 431 children, did his legions of drones realize that the slogans of hope and change they so vehemently believed in, were really just smoke and mirrors. Only recently, due to Obama spreading the Zionist Bush administration’s ‘Project for a New American Century’ to Yemen, expanding the murderous drone strikes in Pakistan, as well as increasing the genocides in occupied Iraq and occupied Afghanistan, have some of his once seemingly mind-controlled supporters snapped out of their trance. Plenty of them still continue their blindness however.

Assange and Wikileaks make the Zionist-fueled Obama hype look minuscule; like rain drops in an ocean. Wikileaks, touted and fully endorsed by the Zionist media, has become the peak of resistance and dissidence. The greatest whistleblower in the history of whistleblowing. Assange has been elevated to god status, eclipsing rock stars and movie stars. Wikileaks cannot be questioned. Assange cannot be investigated. Everything the organization does is for the good of the people, and everything Assange says is absolute 100% fact.

Though it may come as a shock to those who have bought into the absurdity of Wikileaks, everything aforementioned is a morbid delusion. Wikileaks is no whistleblower. Assange is no hero. And the leaks, which have been hailed across the globe, aren’t even leaks. Wikileaks isn’t just toxic Zionist poison, it is a full-blown US-Zionist intelligence operation.


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