Tuesday, November 30, 2010


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

An attack on American forces in the Persian Gulf is being planned. Wikileaks is an integral part of the operation. Step one was the current “diplomatic” Wikileak. Step two, the brazen “Mossad style”murders in Iran.

Wikileaks couldn’t be more involved if they built the bombs or fired the missiles themselves.

When America is attacked, either in the Persian Gulf or at home, Wikileaks will be a part of it. The operation is staged for the Persian Gulf where American warships are “sitting ducks” for a sneak attack like the USS Liberty “incident.”

As with the Liberty attack, Israel can use friends in high places in the United States to assure that if they are blamed, they can claim it was an honest mistake, even if an American super-carrier goes down with all hands.

The preferred weapon will be submarine launched missiles, probably with small nuclear warheads, that will appear to be launched from Iran. Israeli submarines are currently on station within range of American targets, subs known to be armed with cruise type missiles similar to those used by Iran. The attacks on US forces are dependent on the build-up of tensions tied to terror bombings that have killed one Iranian scientist and wounded another.

A “working group” within the American military is tasked with placing the blame on Iran with “in the can” intelligence much as was used on 9/11. The same forces responsible for planning the Building 7 demolition on 9/11 are being called upon.

Iran is being “set up” through terrorist attacks timed to make any military action in the region immediately look like Iran “out of control.” More attacks on scientists and their families are planned until international tensions are high enough for a “false flag” terror attack on the United States to seem plausible.

Key media assets have been warning that a major story can be expected.

It will be claimed Iran attacked the United States in retaliation for terrorist acts Iran now blames on Israel and the United States. In truth, these acts are meant to be intentional provocations, but it is clearly understood that Iran is incapable of acting. Russia has never delivered the advanced air defense system Iran needs and with virtually no air force, Iran is incapable of resisting an American onslaught.


The attacks have killed one scientist and wounded another. The wives of both men were wounded. Israel has done everything but announce that it planned and executed these attacks and is planning more. Iran is being dared to respond but, in fact, no response by Iran will be necessary. Sources tell us that an act of war against the United States, one which can be blamed on Iran, is in the planning.

The attacks inside Iran are staged from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Baluchistan, a remote province of Pakistan. Each of these nations has surrendered control of border regions with Iran to intelligence agencies, including the CIA, Mossad and MI-6. All have separatist movements with ties to Israel and India.

The Baloch separatist group, Jundullah, funded by the CIA and operated by the Mossad, acts for Israel much as Hizbollah acts for Iran in Lebanon. Regular terror attacks inside Iran are staged, not only military targets but mosque bombings and assassinations. Jundullah, the PKK in Turkey and Kurdistan, the Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan, all are operated by Israel as surrogates, attacking Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and sometimes American forces as well.


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