Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Vampire Bankers host the Invisible Siren Chorus.

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

♫Row, row, row your boat, gently down the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream♫

I haven’t been in the US since 2003 and that was on the island of Maui, HI. I haven’t been on the mainland US since 1996. I don’t have a sense of the place. I know it’s not like the parts of Europe that I live in where I seldom even see a police car and where the police are uniformly (heh heh) polite. The places that I am weren’t even much affected by World War 2. They weren’t and aren’t strategic for any reason, except for growing food.

My objectivity narrows and widens, depending on my state of mind and degree of awake/aware. At times, when I look at the world around me, through the vari-colored lenses of the media; Zionist owned, Zionist influenced, Zionist threatened and Zionist-free, I get the impression that the whole world is on a dreamboat that is sailing for the rocks, while the Invisible Siren Chorus sings from a promontory. The lighthouse is actually a holographic projection machine that presents the impression that white sand beaches and naked volleyball games await. It’s apparent that BP had been in the night before, with dump trucks filled with sand.

We approach that November whirlpool by the day. Pundits and prophets from the various realms of industry and random mountaintops have all indicated that November is bringing that critical straw for the camel’s back. Chiropractors in three piece suits are standing by; not because they care one way or the other about the camel but because someone has to stand around and speculate and look busy, while the people responsible for the state of things sneak out of town.

The primary, flesh-based enemy of humanity is the bankers and chief among them is the central banks. There are various other consortiums like the IMF which are dedicated to world wide economic slavery of anyone and everyone but themselves. They are joined by those who operate and feed upon the fantasy football game at Wall Street; wherever Wall Street may be in whatever urban location it feeds in. The politicians are a secondary concern. They serve the will of the bankers. The bankers serve the King of Hell through the proxy of their own self interest. The bankers create the wars for profit. They create them any time and anywhere that profit can be realized and they fund both sides of the conflict in order to own the economy on either side at the war’s end.

The chief weapon of the bankers is usury. They print non-existent money and then loan it out so that more is paid back in interest over time than the actual principle of the loan. They manipulate the markets to inflate and deflate the value of homes and they run foreclosure mills to steal these homes whenever they get around to doing it.

When times of crisis appear, they manufacture political movements that give the impression of necessary revolution that returns the power of political choice to the individual voter but it’s just another scam for the same reptiles to stay in control of the system until it has been entirely looted. Linking to Media Matters is not an endorsement of the site. I don’t doubt that they also work for the bankers.

Humanity has to throw off the yoke of the bankers and destroy forever the power and proliferation of fiat currency and fractal banking. The war on Islam has as much to do with non-interest bearing loans as it has to do with anything else. Whatever solution humanity may come up with concerning the bankers it has to be done and done soon. I do not favor the guillotine anymore than I do exile to a desert island. Either of these solutions is fine and any other solution that removes these psychopathic predators from the embedded state in the rank and file of the human race is also fine, so long as it is comprehensive and irrevocable.


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