Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kings of the Short Run in the Land of Flaming Shit.

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

Sunday is10/10/10. The government and other professional liars have had something to say about the date. Everything the government and media say are lies, or the groundwork for lies to come. All of it is especially, sculpted soft stool from the Dairy Queen machinery of a banker’s ass. You’re expected to eat and enjoy it, without knowing the composition or the source. The complexity of their intentions can be summed up quite simply. They want to take you to the point where you don’t know what the ice cream is made of, or where it came from, to the point where you line up with your cones in hand and wait in a rapt, religious hunger to obtain it from the source. Your eyes should gleam with gratitude as you walk away, knowing that you have seen one of the key mysterious out workings of God. You are free to speak in tongues as soon as your tongue is freed up for the opportunity. Fecallalia is the new glossolalia and you are now tanked up with shit for your own part in the performance. Please be creative with your lies. You’re playing musical chairs in front of a crematorium.

You are not dead. You are dreaming but the dream grows dark, when you are surviving on a dead man’s shit.

Humanity has many enemies. It has as many enemies as there is room in the mind to contain them. The most enduring and powerful of these enemies is the most invisible when it is most obviously before your eyes; appearing as something else. There is only one enemy and that is your mind. It is also your best friend, depending on who is in charge of it. Your life is either a virtual cathedral or a toilet designed as the object of desire. Gold plated shit-nacks are the bronzed baby shoes of your dreams that died in the cradle. It doesn’t really matter if you’re Chuck Berry lying face up under a glass table or lining up behind a banker’s ass. It’s still you. it’s still shit. The first place it happens is in your mind. A lot more people would understand the allegory of the temptation in the Garden of Eden and the resulting civilization if they studied all of the meanings of transposition or, maybe not. Maybe you need to know what the apple is. Maybe you need to understand the dynamics of the cosmic attractive force. Maybe the best way to understand how the mind works is to empty it first. Anyone who can empty their mind and relentlessly keep it empty for a period of time will get a first hand education on how the mind works and all of the implications as well.

The mind is divided or the mind is single.

In an age of darkness, those present are in their particular states of awareness based on past behaviors. Attending them are some amount of wolves and some amount of shepherds. There are more wolves than there are shepherds. Most shepherds are solitary and they are attended by wolves who have been converted to friends of the flock. I do not mean to disparage wolves. The sheep are not actually sheep and the wolves are not actually wolves, even though they are.

There are a lot of ways to say something and a lot of ways to understand what is said. All of this is dependent upon one’s relationship to the mind. It’s one reason that false prophets and true prophets nearly always preach to the choir, except in The Apocalypse, when a certain trembling, radiant vibration begins to quicken the baking ingredients in the bowl and in the oven.

We are now in the moment of accelerating change. We are all seeing it in states of relative difference depending on the mind’s capacity to be independent in its observations; depending on who is in control of your mind. This is the critical purpose of media and entertainment control. You can think of a casino, where super bowl bets are being taken. You can think of either team as representative of a particular end result. In this game, both teams expect to win and the spectators follow the teams into the dressing rooms at the end of the game. There are a lot of ways to say something and a lot of ways to understand what is said.


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